Welcome to Life Coaching

its not what you think....

Coaching is ALL about your FUTURE

We leave the past in the PAST or for Therapy.

I see you in your INFINITE possibility 

Help you break down HUGE goals into itty bitty STEPS

Hold you accountable to the VISION YOU CREATE


Online Life Coaching

Experience the power of one on one coaching from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. The 1- hour online sessions are designed to help you achieve your goals with ease. We start by taking inventory of your life at this moment and visualize an ideal future. The gap is the juicy work ahead of you. Each session ends with practical steps. 

Don't worry it is not a talking heads experience. We will incorporate movement and breath work. The more open you are, the more woo woo I'll bring.

Each session is CAD $100 

In-Person Coaching

Movement is Medicine. Join me for a 60-90 minute coaching session out in nature. Let's walk in one of Vancouver's gorgeous parks or mountains. Let movement and nature help you connect more deeply with your authentic self. Dream out loud and identify the baby steps you need to take to get closer to your vision.

Choose between BCMC trail, Pacific Spirit Park, Garry Point Park, Iona Beach, Deer Lake, Tynehead Regional Park and the Coquitlam Crunch trail. Or your favourite park in the lower mainland. 

Each session is CAD $150 

Monthly Package

This is ideal for a Bucket List Goal. Includes two weekly online sessions and daily accountability emails for continuous support. Commit for 3-12 months to tackle a life long dream, one actionable step at time. Up level your health while we are at it, because my passion for longevity and vitality trickles through this program. 

Goals that previous clients have accomplished include: climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, finishing a first draft of a novel, completing a 70.3 Ironman as first triathlon and writing a feature film. 

Package is CAD $1000 per month 

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Want to work with me in some other capacity? Lets chat